Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Comparative Analysis of Elizabeth Bennett and Emma Bovary Essay

Elizabeth Bennett and Emma Bovary are two of the most famous literature female protagonists of the 19th century. They are both known for their strong personalities and beautiful physical appearances. Elizabeth Bennett is the beautiful young heroine in Jane Austen’s well known romantic novel Pride and Prejudice while Emma Bovary is Gustave Flaubert’s protagonist in the much controversial French novel Madame Bovary. These two novels include two of the most talked about female protagonists in English Literature. Despite the two characters’ distinguished characteristics and principles, there are remarkable similarities in their stories’ settings and social situation. Comparison between Elizabeth Bennett and Emma Bovary The comparison between Elizabeth Bennett and Emma Bovary is not merely limited to the physical appearances but also to the extent of their social status and role as women. Both Bennett and Bovary live in a setting when social status is considered a basic need of an individual. It is noticeable that both Pride and Prejudice and Madame Bovary include the setting of a gathering or a ball where people of high status gather and meet. In Pride and Prejudice, the story starts off in a ball where Elizabeth Bennett meets the seemingly proud and cold Fitzwilliam Darcy. Pride and Prejudice is one of the most popular novels written by Jane Austen which was first published in 1813. It is more than a story of love which revolves around the lives of the Bennett family and the wealthy male visitors of Hertfordshire. The wide variety of personalities in the story contributed to the novel’s attractive and compelling features to date. In this regard, Elizabeth Bennett’s character speaks much of a strong personality which is extremely opinionated and bold. Unlike her younger sisters, she does not allow social status and wealth to interfere with her standards for love. However, in her statement, prejudices toward Darcy are evident for she has already judged him without knowing him well first. However, at the end of the story, she regrets having misjudged the man upon knowing the real Fitzwilliam Darcy. Thoroughly reviewing the whole context of the story, the diverse personalities of the characters are what made it possible to arrive in a certain character transformation. Each character is provided a characteristic that is distinct to other characters. Elizabeth Bennett, an interesting character indeed, possesses traits which are very much different from her sisters. Here is one of her statements to Darcy included in Chapter 19 where she rejects him the first time he proposed to marry her and considered to be one of her most famous line which establishes her personality as a dignified woman: I do assure you, Sir, that I have no pretension whatever to that kind of elegance which consists in tormenting a respectable man. I would rather be paid the compliment of being believed sincere. I thank you again and again for the honor you have done me in your proposals, but to accept them is absolutely impossible. My feelings in every respect forbid it. Can I speak plainer? Do not consider me now as an elegant female, intending to plague you, but as a rational creature, speaking the truth from her heart (Austen 97). Meanwhile, Emma Bovary represents the immaturity that Elizabeth Bennett least possessed. Bovary is portrayed as a woman who is fond of romantic novels and hopes despairingly for a magical romance. With this mindset, she resorts to adultery upon getting bored with the kindhearted but dull husband, Charles Bovary. In Chapter 9, Flaubert describes Bovary’s disgust and resentment towards the tiny details of their worn-out kitchen: Mealtime was the worst of all in that tiny room on the ground floor, with the smoking oven, the creaking door, the damp walls, and the moist flagstones; all the bitterness of her existence seemed to be served up to her on her plate, and the steam from the boiled beef brought up waves of nausea from the depths of her soul. It took Charles a long time to eat; she would nibble a few hazelnuts, or leaning on her elbow, would assume herself by drawing lines on the oilcloth with the tip of her knife (Flaubert 81-82). The way Flaubert presented the kitchen in Bovary’s eyes; it becomes clear that Bovary feels trapped in the duties of domesticity. She longs for something more than being just a housewife which is why she engages in extramarital affairs with wealthier men because she thinks she can achieve such imaginary romance by staying with a rich man. Clearly, this premise is very contradictory with Elizabeth Bennett’s principles. Despite their similar poor status in the society, Bennett is more satisfied with her life than Bovary. Bennett accepts the life she is living and does not immediately grants Darcy’s marriage proposal for the sake of wealth and status. It is true, though, that Bovary and Bennett have their similar standards for love. Even Bennett dreams of the man whom she would love dearly however, the difference is Bennett is rational and is willing to wait. On the contrary, Bovary is more impulsive in her decisions that her efforts are mostly in vain. Conclusion There are many similarities and differences between the characters of Elizabeth Bennett and Emma Bovary. Both women live with poor social status in the society which is the very reason of the conflicts in their love stories. However, it is important to note that despite their similar poor situations, their stories end up differently. Bovary’s end becomes tragic while Bennett lives the fulfilled life. The reason for these endings is dependent on the personal characteristics and attitudes of the two women towards poverty. Clearly, between the two heroines, it is Bennett’s dignified principles and rational thinking that earned her the much favorable ending than Bovary’s. Works Cited Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice: A Novel. London: R. Bentley. 1853. Flaubert, Gustave. Madame Bovary. Trans. Mildred Marmur, Evelyn Gendel. New York: Signet Classic, 2001.

Racial Ethnic Groups in the United States

Even in 2013 racism and ethic differences are a struggle in the United States. This is mainly due to the fact that unlike fifty years ago when the country was split just black and white, there are now more races involved. Granted, the generations now are much more knowledgeable about the ethic differences, most don’t see any harm in a person judged based on their skin color. However, those who do still find it a problem have taken it to the extreme to let their opinions be known.Take for instance in week five’s reading; the hate that was betrayed against Asian Americans in the radio show where over two dozen Asian Americans were physically injured, thirteen of which had to go to the hospital because their African American classmates decided to fight. However that is not the worst part of that situation. Instead of the security guards and teachers doing something to stop the hate, they let it continue. And this is in every race. Many people in today’s day and age tend to pick more on the Latino groups of America.This is mainly due to the fact that a lot of them are not in the United States legally. Included in these races are people of Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Venezuelan heritage. The main reason for many of these immigrants to come to the United States is to receive a better life. But with this immigration mainly fail to assimilate properly to their local neighborhoods to live the American way. By assimilating in the United States one is able to adopt the cultural traits and/or identity of the host group, Americans, and/or integrate into the primary networks and secondary organizations of the host group.  (Feagin and Feagin)While coming into the country illegally the Latino race automatically puts a bad taste in most American’s mouths because on top of them coming into the country without proper paperwork, they take away jobs that could be used for other Americans simply because Latinos are known for taking a lower pay so that th ey may be paid in cash verses check based on the simple fact that they do not have proper documentation to be working in the United States. According to Milton Gordon, author of the influential Assimilation in American Life, there are many problems with assimilation.This though involved mainly European groups coming into the United States that they were not willing to adjust to the living styles of another country. This being the main problem of immigrants is that they will not forego racial difference to fit into the country. Gordon suggested that this will be the main problem with America in the future. (Page: 31, Racial and Ethnic Relations Census Update, Ninth Edition, 9E by Clairece Booher R Feagin and Joe R. Feagin, Pearson) This of course is not the case with all Latinos though.There are many people of these races that live in the United States legally that are hardworking and want to the properly the American way. These are the kind of people though that end up getting left in the dust because not many realize that some people want to be a part of the country to that extend. These Latin Americans have fully comprehended the concept of acculturation, or cultural assimilation, which is the change of one group’s important cultural patterns to those of the host or dominant group. (Feagin and Feagin) This doesn’t mean though that Latin Americans, or any race, have to give up their entire cultural habits.It simply means that they understand that they came into a different country and they respect the fact that some things culturally are done differently. For instance there were many situations brought up in the video on 60 Minutes regarding the American Canal. Americans see that canal as a water source for their vegetables in the winter, however those from Mexico see it as a dangerous way into the United States. This is of course a problem between the two races because the Americans don’t feel they need to alter the safety  of the cana l so that Mexicans don’t continue to keep drowning in the water in attempts to get into the country illegally.Asian Americans have a huge burden on them just like the Latino races but it’s not as much as being considered â€Å"illegal†. Their pressure is more of an educational outlook. They are expected to excel in school and get great grades at high education at the best colleges. Some of this plays into their benefit though considering the life they will be able to live by better educating themselves. They are pressured with these expectations through their own families though too.For instance it is assumed that if a Caucasian American meets an Asian American while they are at school, such as college, it may be assumed that the Asian American is good at math. It might not be verbally said, but as Americans that is a trait that Asian Americans have always had. This is a trait though that does not , and should not, be given up with trying to fit into the America n way of life. If anything a trait like this only enhances living in America. Take for instance the breakdown of educations in America.Asian-Indian Americans lead the country when it comes to obtaining a Bachelor’s degree from college with 70.1%, Chinese Americans follow with 52. 1%; Filipino Americans 48%, Vietnamese Americans at 27. 8%, Asian-Indian Americans with 70. 1%, and White Americans with 30. 7%. (Page: 338, Racial and Ethnic Relations Census Update, Ninth Edition, 9E by Clairece Booher R Feagin and Joe R. Feagin, Pearson) Even according to Gordon, the transition of Asian Americans into the United States society is a lot easier that other races and it has a lot to do with their ability to want to learn and help not only their culture and people but the society of people in which they surround themselves.According to the research done in the Feagin and Feagin text the amount of Asian students not only applying but getting admitted into college is increasing every yea r. A study shows that in 1979 2. 6 percent of students admitted into Brown University were of Asian descent. In 1993 however, it jumped to 14. 8 percent of the students accepted. Many researchers though such as James Madore of the Christian Science Monitor label Asian Americans as â€Å"model minorities†. However they still have their troubles.For instance the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) argued with U. S. Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas for his use of the term â€Å"model minority† when describing Asian Americans. Thomas argued that Asian Americans â€Å"transcended the ravages caused even by harsh legal and social discrimination† and should not be beneficiaries of government affirmative action because they are â€Å"overrepresented in key institutions. † (Page339: , Racial and Ethnic Relations Census Update, Ninth Edition, 9E by Clairece Booher R Feagin and Joe R.  Feagin, Pearson)The term â€Å"model minority† can be taken as a good or bad quality as explained in the above paragraphs it is all a matter of who is saying it and in what context they are using the title. But it expresses the fact that Asian Americans still face hard consequences in the United States based on assimilation and acculturation because even though some of their traits from their own heritage are beneficial to Americans, Americans then feel offended that someone is coming into the country trying to take over schools and education.It is hard to be an immigrant in the United States and that is understood by a lot of people in the country. But at the same time Americans want to keep their reputation of living the American dream with excellent jobs and families that love and support each other with the right to stick up for what they believe in and the will to pursue their dreams in whatever they wish. It is the some groups of Americans that have backed down to the immigrants of the country and have been belittled by t hose  assimilating into the United States.It is these Americans that create the hate in the country against entire races verses individuals. It is the lack of education on Americans that plays into part of the frustration of the country. No one notices those trying to do things the correct way but that may be because there are so many immigrants in the country that are illegal and take advantage of the fact that they don’t have to do anything to stay in the country. But this is not â€Å"Living the American Dream†.Immigrants that are taking advantage of any state’s aid, or not agreeing to file proper documentation to become a citizen to receive a paycheck instead of a lower pay but being paid in cash are a huge part of the problem. Taxes play into this just as much. Immigrants to America are not stupid. America taxes everything and everyone is required to pay them. Not everyone does though. Having many other races enter the country in this day and age gives th ose of this generation a clue to what happened many years ago when whites and blacks were ordered to stay separated.There are still parts of the country that blacks are not welcomed and they are discriminated against. It is almost as if no laws were overturned. Today there are still about eleven states in the country without a street dedicated to Martin Luther King Junior, and some states say they do not plan on including that street in the maps anytime soon. With racial issues almost always a battle it is almost near impossible to say that everyone one day will be entirely happy and created equal. The battle between White Americans against Asian Americans against Latino Americans and African Americans seems to be a never ending battle.In his research, Gordon believe that â€Å"the integration of African Americans into the core economy and society is well under way†. (Page 205: , Racial and Ethnic Relations Census Update, Ninth Edition, 9E by Clairece Booher R Feagin and Joe R. Feagin, Pearson)This indicates simply that the full migration of different races, though thought to be fixed many years ago, still has many small details to be drawn out. Every person whom goes to school learns about the horrible way that African Americans were treated before any slavery laws were abolished.It is a part of any history class at an early age. Every child in America should be able to answer simple questions such as what was Jim Crow segregation. Could this be that years down the road history is repeating itself only with another race, which race will it be? Will it be all of them? Will it be illegal immigrants? African Americans though were willing to fight for what they believed they had a right to, they stood up and protected themselves and many dies fighting for what they believe in, which is the exact way that Americans are known to live their lives.That quality in itself is one of the most solid reasons as to why African Americans are treated equally in America now as opposed to having different drinking fountains and bathrooms and having to sit in the back of the bus. Many of the challenges facing African Americans today are more subtle and involve a struggle that is more within the African American community than without. Many of these challenges involve fighting negative stereotypes that were born from hip hop videos or the misuse of power and authority by well-known figures in the African American community.The struggle involves pushing against institutional barriers that have been strengthened by those in favor of maintaining a historical precedent or the status quo. For example, it oftentimes seems easier for city leaders to support the new school district that educates the suburban community rather than funding the struggling inner city schools. And simply because an organization has never had an African American leader, does not mean that it never should.Finally, the struggle involves a continued determination to resist an apathet ic attitude toward the problems in the African American community. In many instances, it is not the opinionated few who determine the overall outcome, but the indifference of the majority who are usually directly affected by the decision that they fail to be a part of. Discrimination is described as the actions carried out by members of dominant groups, or their representatives, that have a differential and harmful effect on member of subordinate racial or ethnic groups.Since times of racial issues the word discrimination can be used for other things also. Many people even in the year 2013 are being discriminated for physical or mental differences too. There is so much hate in the United States yet and many people are not aware of it. Discrimination due to skin tone, physical or mental differences can have long tern effects on a person and often cause, like in the Asian cultures, attempts at suicide. These are actions that can be avoided if people would just educate themselves on th e hate that is still in the world.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Gulf Carriers Destabilise Alliances

With much ceremony, Qatar Airways became the first of the large Sulfated c aeries to enter a global airline alliance by joining Enroll, led by American Airlines and British Main. Ways. Sign up now â€Å"Becoming a member Of Enroll is one of the most significant landmarks in Qatar Airways' history,† declared Kafka AH Baker, the airline's chief executive. This move highlights how the fastenings, steamrollered Gulf carriers – E emirates Airlines, Edited Airways and Qatar Airways – are no longer viewed with universal hostility by western airlines.First is our new essential daily email briefing of the best stories from across the web But Emirates and Edited are unlikely to be joining one Of the three global aril en alliances – Enroll, Steam and Star Alliance – in the near future. These two carriers, based in D baa and ABA Dhabi, respectively, are pursuing their own partnerships – actions that are destabilize Eng the alliances and could play an inf luential role in reducing the importance of these groups.The alliances were established in the 1 9905 because foreign ownership rules often prohibited carriers room combining via crossbred mergers. Even the biggest carriers knew they could not fly to all big cities, so airlines formed alliances that in effect bolted their networks together to offer destinations worldwide – notably to business travelers. These alliances were supposed to be clubs that looked after their respective interests, but last year Santa – a founding member of Enroll -? sent showplaces through the industry by agreeing to form a fare aching partnership with Emirates.Founded in 1985 and now flying to more than 130 destinations with the world s largest fleet of wideband passenger jets, Emirates has inflicted financial pain on longhand carriers in the US, Europe and Asia – include inning Santa. But the Australian carrier is hoping the collaboration with Emirates will play a key role in restorin g its international pop orations to profit. At the heart of the partnership is a icosahedra that gives Santa passengers a much greater choice of routes between Australia and Europe, the Middle East and Africa because they can fly on Emirates' jets.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Allocation of risks between the parties to a contract in Fidic red Assignment

Allocation of risks between the parties to a contract in Fidic red book - Assignment Example FIDIC is regularly publishing standard construction contracts forms, which are just more than traditional construction contract’s forms. One of the salient features of FIDIC contract is that it facilitates the allocation of risk between the contractor and the employer. Red Book of FIDIC states that it has been drafted with sharing of risks between the parties in a construction contract evenly. Risks in a construction contract include unanticipated or poor ground scenarios, performance and operational needs, minimal ownership involvement and design responsibility. Risk can be defined as the probability of peril, loss, injury or damage. In a construction project, risks include loss of the property, injury to the employees, loss of materials, opportunity, finances and personal safety and impact on both corporate repute and personal safety2. In construction contracts, a contractor assumes more risks that may have a direct impact on contract’s completion date or final price. Further, the risks include unanticipated or poor ground situations, minimum performance or operational needs, design accuracy and minimum owner’s involvement in the contract. ... Analysis How Red Book of FIDIC allocates the risk between the parties in a Construction Contract The FIDIC contract recognises the risks in a construction contract and allocates many such risks to the contractor. The main aim is to enable the employer an enhanced certainty of the final project price. Further, Red book also offers more opportunities and time to the contractor to receive and evaluate information pertaining to the risks’ factors in the project. This will enable the contractor to conceive these risks and to offer his price to the project accordingly. Contractors employing the FIDIC Red Book will find is useful to comprehend how the FIDIC documents allocate and classify the various perils so as to forbid the cost overruns and losses that may be sustained on the problematic provinces of the project. Here, the contractor has to consider the risks associate to the capability of the contractor, physical risks, time-associated risks, economic risks, construction and eng ineering risks and other risks3. In Fidic red book, Contractor’s risks are detailed in clause 17.003. The Contractor will be held accountable for the following risks. Any loss or personal injury to employees or property due to Contractor’s wilful act, negligence or breach of contract or personal injury caused due to faulty design by the contractor. Loss caused due to Employer’s privilege to occupy any land or to have work executed. Risk in a construction Contract can be explained through the following chart– Chart 14 In Fidic red book, employer’s risks are detailed in clause 17.4 and also under Force Majeure Clause 19. Under the employer’s risks category, the Contractor is entitled to claim both extension of time and also to recover additional costs from the employer. The

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Private Schools for ethnic minorities in Alberta, Canada Essay

Private Schools for ethnic minorities in Alberta, Canada - Essay Example The state can create a community that would be a single ‘cultural ghoulash’; or it can also create separate units/ghettoes for each ethnic group that would later be coerced to form a political unity. Thus, it would be â€Å"melting down the citizenry into a nation of â€Å"Americans† or â€Å"Canadians,† people who will largely share nationally defining characteristics and attributes, and, on the other hand, balkanizing them into officially structured units within the state, each with their own defining characteristics, attributes, and values†( Dickinson & Dolmage, 364). However one has to keep in mind that modern society does not function on such simple guidelines. It is not possible to bulldoze all the members and mould them into one cultural frame; and this is very apparent in the numerous leaks that have appeared in the so called ‘American cultural melting pot’; nor does ‘balkanization’ work, as we see in the failure of the former state of Yugoslavia.The ethnic groups in Canada fall broadly under a category of the population as those citizens who are not English or French in their origin and also not a member of the native Canadians. Young in his article speaks of 4 ways in which such a diverse and ethnic cultural racial group, can coexist peacefully within a social order. First, these groups can ‘assimilate’ and become a part of the host country’s culture, in this, they will have to forsake their own cultural origins.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Economics Of Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Economics Of Innovation - Essay Example The essence of innovation is commercialized change. Its commercial nature warrants special emphasis, in that innovation pertains directly and exclusively, to observable market activities and outcomes – to the scope of good and services that are offered to consumers, or to technological and organizational advances that facilitates the flow of these goods and services. Innovation is about more than ideas, it is about how the economic system transforms ideas into outcomes, outcomes that continually shapes its evolution. Considerable economic research has been devoted to establishing whether small and large firms differ with regard to the rate of innovation or their R & D activity. In the recent literature on industrial innovation, the main issue is not whether small or large firms are more innovative, but the role each plays in the innovation process. The growth in the number of small firms during the 1980s is not seen as an independent process, but is attributed to the decentral ization strategies of large firms (Albert and Patrick, 1992).The outsourcing of entrepreneurial functions by larger firms ha increased their flexibility, allowing them to react more quickly to changing market conditions. Small firms are a major source for new product and processes, but due to their limited financial resources they are often confined to the first phase of the innovation process.

Friday, July 26, 2019

International market entry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International market entry - Essay Example It is important for the various industries to market some of these devices in international market. After welcoming the commodity, it is sure that entering the market will be easy as the technology devices will be used to simplify their works in those areas. It is important to go through the marketing of the ipad 4, one of the acclaimed devices in the hospitality industry, in Italy as this represents international market entry of the commodity. The country, Italy, has been a democratic nation for 46 years now; thus, the political environment is reputable for the marketing of the product. This is from the fact that with the democracy, the government does not inhibit the citizens from purchasing products at will. Moreover, the democracy also allows the United States, the producer of the ipad, to venture into the Italian market easily and consequently have increased sales of the ipad (Fleisher, 2008, 169). The fact that the country has a well laid out judicial system is also important f or the marketing of the new ipad. This is from the fact that there is control on the decisions that powerful politicians make. An example is a politician who may talk ill of the ipad and tell people not to purchase it. Such cases are few - the concept of freedom and independence is incorporated in the Italian market. One factor that may come as a disadvantage in the marketing of the ipad is with regards to the tax tariffs that the country has. Lately, Italy has set its tariffs very high in an effort to boost its economy. With the increased tariffs, the country will have reduced imports and – consequently – the goods within the country will increase in sales. With this the standards ought to increase and make the economy of the country boost. The issue of tariffs was induced by the executive arm of the government and has been a major hindrance to the sale of products. This factor is bound to affect the marketing of the product in the country (Henry, 2009, 48). Shifting focus to the economic aspect of the country, Italy’s economy is rated eighth largest in the world. This has been effective in ensuring that the circulation of products in the country is well above average. Moreover, this means that most citizens in the country are stable thus being in a position to market the ipad. This brings down the fears that one may have when introducing the ipad into the Italian market. It is also important to understand the fact that country’s economy is not stagnant but rather on the rise from the various measures taken by the government such as increased taxation (Cohen, 2011, 68). This ensures that the citizens of the country are always up and busy to ensure that they achieve their goals while living a comfortable life. Introduction of the ipad into the market would work great to ensure that these people are always informed on the changing market trends by using the device. This acts as a positive impact on the sale of the ipad, and so there is the need to introduce it into the Italian market. The transport sector is one other factor to consider with regards to the marketing of the ipad in Italy. Italy’s economy has been stable, and ensuring infrastructure development is a key aspect in the country. Italy has well established roads that generate a huge income for the government. The fact that these roads are in great conditions ensures the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Power Point Presentation in Lectures Research Paper

Power Point Presentation in Lectures - Research Paper Example From the practical perspective, the utilization of Power Point presentations in classroom enhances students' learning, facilitates their participation and engagement, reduces boredom from educational process and improves student-teacher interaction. Students normally feel comfortable to direct questions to specific parts of the Power Point presentation, which evidently indicates they are engaged with the lesson and the presentation tool used in the classroom. The power point presentation also benefits the students who are absent. Teacher can print a copy of the Power Point lesson and give this to students upon their return to class. Power Point presentations can be used on a teacher's web site. Parents and students can access the site and get key information that has been discussed in class. This technology can even be integrated with a web based programs like Blackboard, and assessments can be given over the material presented in the Power Point lesson. Stein, Silbert, and Carnine in their book Designing Effective Mathematics Instruction: A Direct Instruction Approach, made the point that the organization of the learning environment was critical to the success of learners: "The way in which teachers organize the learning environment determines how successful learners will be in constructing the meaning that teachers intend to convey" (Stein et al., 1997, p2). Following this line of thought, it is evident that careful preparation of the learning environment (such as through the development of power point) contributes to student learning. This idea is supported by Stein and his colleagues who note: "The use of power point is the perfect tool to allow for the teacher to follow their scripted lesson while engaging with the students and also provides that visual guide for the student to follow and help stay connected with the lesson being taught" (Stein et al., 1997, p.123). The process of establishing a well-structured classroom enviro nment that incorporates new technologies can help model the expectations mentioned above that are expected outside of the classroom while also creating a very constructive and effective learning environment within the classroom. The constructivist approach of actively constructing knowledge through personal experience contrasts with the traditional approach to learning which states that students are empty containers who store knowledge in the same form they receive it. From the perspective of using Power Point presentation in the classroom, constructivists rely on teaching practices that are rich in student-teacher interactions that help the student come to the understanding of what they need to learn. These interactions help the student construct meaning and understanding. The role of the constructivist teacher is to assist students as they create constructions or frameworks of their understandings. It has been stated that there are six ways in which teachers can assist their students' performance: modeling, contingency, managing, feedback, instructing, questioning, and cognitive feedback (Goos, Galbraith, Renshaw, Geiger, 2003).

Gospel Music Features in the Christian Liturgy of the Pentecostal Essay

Gospel Music Features in the Christian Liturgy of the Pentecostal Church - Essay Example James (2001, p. 56) claims that the style of gospel music that exists in any given Pentecostal church depends partly on the age of the singers. Thus, the senior adult tend to prefer the transitional and traditional gospel music while, the young adults prefer modern gospel music that may predominate the main worship service. Whatever the period and age, the singing is given in the form of gospel songs in the Pentecostal churches. Development of gospel music People who were enslaved and worked in the field during the civil war told their stories in the spiritual way explaining their current life and teaching their children on the hardship they endured. When the enslaved adopted the Christian religion, their faith naturally became the focus of their songs. However, their songs were no longer limited to the spiritual because they started using the hymns written by white composers like Isaac Watts and Wesleys. The enslaved accepted the gospel music because it was attributed to their style and culture, especially the meter hymn that is still used in the most Pentecostal churches. As the civil war came to an end and enslaved were finally emancipated, it marked the beginning of what is referred to the historical gospel hymns. According to James (2001, p. 55), these songs flourished during the social and economic deprivation of depression and started to make their way out of the Pentecostal churches. According to Anderson and James (2007, p. 285) indicate that the civil rights movement brought rebirth of older songs, especially spiritual songs that became the freedom songs. These spiritual songs were the bridge between what is known as historical gospel and modern gospel songs. The publicizing of the Pentecostal churches and protest brought a wider exposure to the gospel music and its popularity spread. Currently, the modern gospel is one of the most popular sounds in the music industry. In the twentieth century, the most widespread and celebrated of the people traditio n was the growth and development of gospel music, especially in the Pentecostal churches. These churches were visited by the traveling musicians and evangelists from the Chicago gospel scene like Sallie Martin and Thomas Dorsey. Despite this contact with new gospel sounds, arranged spirituals, and hymns were still popular styles of church music. Pastors and Pentecostal churches supported the expansion of gospel music by starting gospel choirs and hosting outstanding concerts in various Pentecostal churches like opportunity Baptist. Various composers started transcribing and publishing their gospel music and gospel performers protected themselves from exploitation by forming gospel unions. Anderson and James (2007, p. 289) indicate that the gospel growth extended beyond churches in the black community and moved to worldly white venues around the city. Most of the gospel composers and performers received attention via television programs, firms and release of albums by choirs. Thus, t he developed technology has assisted a lot in developing the gospel music worldwide. Many gospel singers have developed new styles of singing and different, exciting music ministries. From neo spiritual to the modern gospel and praise and worship music, these song writers reflect the range of gospel music in Pentecostal churches today. The gospel music composers Wallace (2005, P. 104) indicates that the gospel music was brought substantial change in the Pentecosta

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


ASSESS THE VIEW THAT REFORMING THE REGULATION OF PRIVATE SECURITY INDUSTRY IS USELESS, WHAT IS REQUIRED IS DEREGULATION - Essay Example This paper will explain why this measure is counterproductive both for the public and for the industry. The SIA was created under the Private Security Industry Act 2001. The law provides two mandates for the agency: 1) the licensing, regulation, monitoring, inspection of private security workers and organisations; and, 2) the management of the Approved Contractor Scheme, a voluntary assessment mechanism designed to evaluate the quality and performance of private security suppliers (PSIA 2001) Art 1(2). The statute was enacted in response to the widespread criminality in Britain in the early 2000 involving contract security guards, bouncers, among other workers for security firms (Travis 2012). With the passage of the law and the creation of the SIA, the private security industry employees require license to practice or operate. A criminal background check is also mandatory for such license. This is the same for organisations. Stringent checks, evaluation, monitoring and assessment mechanisms are in place, making it possible to deter criminality involving people or groups belonging to the industry. For supporters of the regulation, the law and the mandate of the SIA are even considered insufficient. For example, many believed that the system is too narrow since it excludes many sectors in the security industry like security systems installers and in-house guards (Jones, 2006, p.43). There are those who also point out that the law lacks teeth because of the voluntary nature of the regulation wherein private security firms are not mandated to follow regulation or be subjected to SIA control in several aspects of their operations. The arguments brought forward by these criticisms reveal how the law and the SIA are important and are even lacking in many respects. It underpins the fundamental argument that this governmental

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications for Construction projects Assignment

Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications for Construction projects - Assignment Example For the entire human race their society went through a complete revolution with the emergence of information and communications technology just a few decades back. Construction and Management is one of the numerous fields that have been benefitted immensely by Information and Communications technology. Not only have the methods of construction been perfected by technology, the ability to communicate in the real time environment among locations physically located at far off places was a revolutionizing factor indeed. The present day construction companies’ scenario is such that highly specialized network infrastructure and special communication needs have become integral for their survival. This is owing to the intricate and advanced nature of the projects that have been taken up by the technology equipped construction companies. The general infrastructure is such that the main hub or the headquarters of the construction company is located in a main city. This construction hub is equipped with the smartest telecommunication technologies so as to remain perfectly in contact with construction points at spread out physical locations. Some construction points may be this far that they may not lie under any physical wired private or public networks or even wireless network coverage area. These construction site offices are often present at the termination of the area that is being constructed. The activities within the entire construction area may be far off from the construction office sites and construction may continue sometimes even for months and years. The movements of staff and managers between ‘different sites’ and ‘between the headquarter and sites’ are intermittent and take place at regular intervals. The terrain of the construction sites is often such that the land is physically irregular with ongoing digging and other groundwork. It is under such circumstances that the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Confidence intervals Essay Example for Free

Confidence intervals Essay Confidence Intervals have numerous applications for professional activities. Confidence Intervals have a wide use in defining the outcome of a particular question. The use of confidence levels are used commonly in Health, Business, Politics and Engineering venues. There are three examples that will be recognized as having real world applications regarding confidence intervals. An Empirical Test of the Black-Scholes (BS) Option pricing model exhibited the use of a confidence interval approach. The BS model is a model used to determine price variation over time such as stock options. The utilization of confidence intervals to determine if the BS model was accurate was concluded â€Å"constructing a 95 percent confidence interval for the call option, we found in general that significantly less than 95 percent of the observations fall within the relevant range. † The theory of incorporating a confidence interval into the BS model developed a way for investors to identify what options we better to purchase. (Levy Byun, 1987) In a case study to estimate the confidence in advertising the authors of â€Å"Estimating Confidence Bounds for Advertising Effect Duration Intervals† studied the dynamic effects of current and past advertising on current and future sales utilizing confidence intervals. The study identified how long an advertisement should be displayed depending on the duration interval and the confidence interval that helped managers arrive at proper decisions. Using confidence intervals in this situation enabled leaders to make an informed decision. (Franses Vroomen, 2006) Through the use of surveys in case study â€Å"Mortality rate and confidence interval estimation in humanitarian emergencies† they were able to incorporate confidence intervals. They used confidence intervals to determine the mortality confidence level from surveys in devastated areas. The authors approach enables health officials to identify confidence levels from survey areas to be better prepared for future emergencies. (Sullivan, Hossain, Woodruff, 2010) There is an infinite amount of ways to use confidence intervals in any professional culture. The three examples are only a small sample of what can actually be done to better understand present or past issues. The use of confidence levels can help any leader or manager make decisions that foster an environment of growth. References Franses, P. H. , Vroomen, B. (2006). Estimating Confidence Bounds for Advertising Effect Duration Intervals. Journal of Advertising , 33-37. Levy, H. , Byun, Y. H. (1987). An Empirical Test of the Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model and the Implies Variance: A Confidence Interval Approach. Journal of Accounting, Auditing Finance , 355-368. Sullivan, K. , Hossain, S. M. , Woodruff, B. A. (2010). Mortalizty rate and confidence interval estimation in humanitarian emergencies. Disasters , 164-175.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

What Is Anger And Anger Management Philosophy Essay

What Is Anger And Anger Management Philosophy Essay Anger is an emotional response when looking at an obstruction in reaching our target. We face with such examples every single day once we do not get might know about want and have frustrated and angry simultaneously. Different psychologists, psychiatrists and other health specialists are working on many psychological problems like stress, depression along with conduct problems. They fight to assist us and layman peoples. Layman must understand these everyday conflicting situations and manage those effectively. Anger is humans generally expressed emotion, bringing about negative emotions, fear and insecurity. Prevalent problem in our society is frustrations, threats, disappointments generating anger in our mind. Emotions appear early in our everyday life and contains significant influence on our reactions. We need to learn how to control those emotions, especially growing children must discover how to change and modify their emotion expression as outlined by environment. Anger evolves in your everyday living situation of laymen, and the way they undergone, convey, and develop health problems. A lot of the everyday conflicts like parent-child aggression, legal discard, bad grades in college, school maltreatment, teacher-child violence, unachieved goals, and problems like stress, depression, aggression, road rage sources to a single very frequent problem Anger. Therefore, a layman is baffled with anger from different routes. You will need to know how anger develops in daily life situations and how to treat them. You can handle anger exploit with anger assessment tools. Do you know the main effects that happen over the anger, the length of time does it last, how does it happen, whats happening with all your body when anger occurs, and ways in which should it advance in physiological problems (common problems like stroke, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, disease, obesity, hypertension), psychological problems (problems like stress, depression, eating disorders, body unhappiness, law conflict, alcohol and drug misuse). Scientists show that anger and its common problems, hostility and aggression, collectively the AHA-Syndrome are already linked to a greater risk of cardiovascular diseases. Different types of personalities are missing skills to confront with problem solving, bad memories, concern, depression, what is going to happen etc. Those negative feelings will lower our power to control ourselves. All those negative emotions are internal factors. What we call external factors is improper parental practices, traffic jams, waiting lines, heavy noises, media and advertisements, social rank, social stress etc. We are constantly put to test with your fast growing, technologically modern live style and competitive companies. Positive feelings choosing a lump sum their meanings. Our humanity is threatened by terrorist attacks and then we feel insecure constantly. Although we are more scared of governments than terrorist activities these days. A lot of negative emotions are transforming to a single emotion Anger. Anger is certainly not new to youngsters, where these are faced daily. Children in education carry guns into their school bags. Massacres by those students is reported by press all over the world. Reports stated that girls can be as angry as boys. Therere seen to kick back, push, slap, bite and hit if faced by fear, in particular when confronted with jealousy. That is why managing your anger is essential at each and every stage of life. The best way to Know If You Need Anger Management All of us grows to get angry sometimes. It really is a normal instinct. Even animals show their anger in order to protect themselves and their loved ones. So getting angry is an instinct but a usual reaction to defend oneself or others from harm and intimidation. Nevertheless, an average person should employ a clear mind which enables it to be in control in situations where they are more than likely to obtain angry. Otherwise if the anger gets from bound, this can develop a larger conflict and an infliction of harm and damages to individuals or properties. In contrast, you will find folks who is able to see red at slight provocations. Which has a slight feeling of intimidation or irritation they are able to erupt and come unglued of themselves. Sometimes their causes of getting angry are even unjustifiable. Should you be experiencing this and cant control yourself at getting angry over small things, you may have something with your personality that needs to be corrected and must seek anger management counseling. Anger management counseling may help us recognize that there are a few underlying problems in your minds that need to be corrected and recovery could be hard if individuals who have anger issues will deny it. Then again, its possible to recognize they have a difficulty. If hes forever in challenge with other folks, extends to get snags while using law and even managing their own families is really a problem, theyre some hard evidences that uncontrollable emotions are eating up ones mind helping to make him come unglued of himself. Basically, there are simple indications regarding how to know if you need anger management. If you do not like socializing with other people and may easily get mad and always within the arguable mood, you then have a problem occurring. Specifically, allow me to share the points you may also observe inside a individual who have anger issues. Indicators of Anger Issues  ¿Ã‚ ½ It is possible to scold or yell in your family over slight things and for married individuals they are usually at war using partners.  ¿Ã‚ ½ You may get easily irritated by people who dont agree with you.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Youre often disagreeable web-sites even they are justifying their actions.  ¿Ã‚ ½ That you do not like socializing for some other individuals even with your officemates and may see minor errors included and are likely to blow it out of proportion.  ¿Ã‚ ½ People that know that you do not like speaking with you even to get a minute and may resist you as they can possibly can.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Youre forever in trouble either to individuals, using the law or even with ourselves because you know that youre this kind of pain as part of your society. If you see some of these events happening to you so you know you can not help yourself finding your strong emotions, better see an anger management counselor so that you can be evaluated of the behavioral problem. Its also possible to check online anger management programs and complete some anger management quiz to find out quickly should you be really suffering from this type of behavioral disorder. This behavior is treatable and will be resolved if you will be undergoing sessions from anger management programs. Within the program, you will be able to get connected to other people who have similar issues and grow from them. You could do simulation test with him or her current guidance of anger management counselors, it is possible to regain your self-control and can get on the best track again. Anger Management Control Working together with people can be a huge challenge. We have seen times over my thirty year social work career once i have asked myself why I selected this profession. Weve worked in a number of different regions of social work. My formal training and training credits have concentrated on children with mental disease. Most times I find that when children have mental medical concerns the adults within their lives do also. They are usually opened to addressing their issues; however adults usually get defensive and angry when it suggested that they likewise require help. Dealing with resistive clients is the nature coming from all of my work. Many clients which i use happen to be ordered by having a court to cooperate with services. Having someone ordered to work with me, especially when theyve anger or control issues sets the relationship nearly be a rocky one. Often times the courts will also order website visitors to attend anger management courses. As this is perhaps the most common requirement of the courts there are lots of mental health centers that include anger management. Ive got worked with several mental health care professionals to insure we now have specialized groups for that participants. It is vital that those with anger issues are certainly not lumped into one group setting. I think it is effective for those who have domestic abuse issues to be in anger management classes with other domestic abusers. So often these groups may become volatile. When an abuser sees someone else get angry and out of control they might obtain a better sympathize with how their behavior affects others. Anger is oftentimes used like a control mechanism by abusers. Once they experience someone else wanting to control an organization setting or a therapist they often feel the same emotions that their victims have felt. Anger management with teenagers is another issue altogether. More often than not their anger comes from feelings of not heard or being misunderstood. Extremely common for just a teen to feel angry as they are caught between the numerous years of childhood and adulthood. They are not tall enough to perform most of the issues that they wish to do and yet are too old being cuddled. Most teens concentrate their anger towards their parents; there are some that express anger towards all authority. Teenage anger management may even work on healthy strategies to expressing anger. Its important that teenagers learn that everyone gets angry every so often and this it really is alright to let people know that you will be angry as long as you do this in ways where the body else feels safe around you. Healthy expression of anger will be the goal of all anger management courses. Teaching techniques of how you can express yourself and the way to diffuse anger are critical factors to get a health gr oup process. How you can Succeed How can one succeed at anger management? It is advisable to know that angry feelings are routine among anyone. The best way an individual handles an angry situation determines whether success in anger management has occurred. Though it can be challenging, there are various strategies of handling anger which could benefit those who learn them. Your initial reaction a person has when his ire is raised is usually to attack with words or, worse, inside a physical way. People should endeavor to squash these volatile reactions as well as leaving the location in which the event is occurring. An example of thats where a workforce angers another worker by criticizing his work. The mad employee should leave the room and allow his emotions to fade before being round the critical employee again. You will find cases through which anyone struggles to leave a host through which angry feelings have been produced. If this occurs, the individual should remove himself mentally through the toxic surroundings. He can make this happen by counting to 50 or reciting a well known phrase or sayings as part of his head. Provided rest from negative feelings and so the person are designed for the specific situation without volatility. An excellent way to managing being angry is to circumvent the emotion altogether. A way to do this is usually to identify the situations that provoke anger within an individual. If someone monitors the sorts of situations which provoke an angry response, hell try and avoid most of these circumstances so he stays calm. Anger management classes teach skills that will help people solve disagreements. One big benefit of learning they is that it causes individuals to target positive resolutions as opposed to exactly the angry emotions swirling around them. An individual may become a member of a category through a mental health agency or community center. There are specific individuals who have a tremendous challenge with angry impulses. These folks should undergo professional counseling to be able to fight this major problem. Usually the enter in therapy is to distinguish the roots of why somebody responds to rage. Find this type of formal counseling from individual psychologists, mental health centers and social service agencies. Violent feelings may lead to verbal abuse or even fisticuffs. Its imperative that runners that have problems handling mad feelings get help. These people can put on tips which supports them regain control and their composure plus they can also get professional counseling that enables them to achieve anger management. Periodic Anger Management Generally speaking, what are the results is the fact that people will get frustrated about an issue that occur in their life. Their initial reaction is to ignore it or try to repress it. Eventually this emotion will become very secure and theyll have to deal with it in some way. Instead of managing it at its core, through being assertive, those will take part in many different coping strategies. By way of example, the person may do workout or bury themselves inside their work. And every time they get frustrated, they may return to this coping strategy. What they can get is because they will need to go back to this coping strategy a growing number of frequently as their anger could possibly get a lot more frequent along with the intensity can get a growing number of extreme. Eventually, their anger can become so strong therefore frequent until this coping strategy will no longer have the capacity to assist them to out, and they will eventually attack. I would like to say that the number of these behaviors you will do to handle your anger management can be very positive behaviors. For example, going on a run, is definitely an positive behavior. My point being is making use of it like a clutch to manage your anger management can be a negative coping strategy, as you dont manage your anger at its core. Think of your health to get a second, and think about the method that you handle your anger? What are your techniques for working with your anger? Is he band-aid solutions or dark beer long-term methods of addressing your anger? Im sure you will discover the coping strategies which you have for ones anger dont really lower or reduce your anger in the long run. Address your anger at its core. **************** What are The Causes of Anger Anger can be a strong emotion of displeasure due to some kind of grievance that may be either real or rated to be real by a person. The cognitive behavior theory attributes anger to factors for instance past experiences, behavior learned from others, genetic predispositions, along with a not enough problem-solving ability. To place it more simply, anger is the result of a combined two factors: an irrational perception of reality (It has to be exercised my way) along with a low frustration point (Its my way or no chance). Anger is usually an internal reaction thats perceived to possess a external cause. Angry people generally blame their reactions on someone or some event, but rarely can they recognize that the key reason why they may be angry is because of their irrational perception around the globe. Angry people have some perception and expectation around the globe which they are in and once that reality wont meet their expectation than it, then they become angry. You have to recognize that not all anger is unhealthy. Anger is one of our most primitive bodys defense mechanisms that protects and motivates us from being dominated or manipulated by others. It provides for us an added strength, courage, and motivation was required to combat injustice done against us or even others that people love. However, if anger is left uncontrolled and liberal to control you your brain and the entire body anytime, then anger becomes destructive. Why We Need to Control Anger As a one that is under the charge of a street drugsomeone ingesting anger cannot rationalize, comprehend, or make good decisions because anger distorts logical reasoning into blind emotion. You feel unable to focus and your emotions dictate your actions. Physiologically speaking, anger enacts your struggle or flight response in this brain, which increases our hypertension and releases adrenaline into our bloodstream, thereby increasing our strength and pain threshold. Anger causes us to be think of only a pair of things: (1) Defend, or (2) Attack. Neither of those options facilitates a good negotiation. Internal Causes of Anger Our internal sources of anger originated from our irrational perceptions of reality. Psychologists have identified four varieties of convinced that help with anger. 1. Emotional reasoning. Individuals who reason emotionally misinterpret normal events and things that other folks say to be directly threatening for their needs and goals. Individuals who use emotional reasoning tend to become irritated at something innocent that other folks tell them given that they perceive it as panic or anxiety attack on themselves. Emotional reasoning can cause dysfunctional anger eventually. 2. Low frustration tolerance. Most of us sometime have seen a period of time where our tolerance for frustration was low. Often stress-related anxiety lowers our tolerance for frustration and now we begin to perceive normal things as threats to the well-being or threats to the ego. 3. Unreasonable expectations. When folks make demands, they see things as that they needs to be but not when they really are. This lowers their frustration tolerance because those that have unreasonable expectations expect others to act a particular way, and uncontrollable events to behave in the predictable manner. When this stuff tend not to go their way, then anger, frustration, and at last depression from. 4. People-rating. People-rating can be an anger-causing sort of thinking the place that the person applies a derogatory label on other people. By rating someone as being a bitch or possibly a bastard, it dehumanizes them and makes it easier to allow them to become angry at the person. External Causes of Anger A large countless bodily and mental events that could make us angry, but given the parameters of a negotiating situation, we could narrow these factors as a result of four general events. 1. The person makes personal attacks against us. One other side attacks you combined with the problem in the way of verbal abuse. 2. Anybody attacks our ideas. Additional side chops down our ideas, opinions, and options. 3. Anyone threatens our needs. Anyone threatens to look at away a rudimentary demand for ours as long as they avoid getting their way i.e. Ill be sure you may never be employed in this city again. 4. We obtain frustrated. Our tolerance level when getting things done may be low or impacted by numerous environmental factors in this lives. Factors That Lower Our Frustration Tolerance 1. Stress / Anxiety. When our stress-level increases, our tolerance for frustration decreases. This is why there are plenty of domestic disputes and divorces over financial problems. 2. Pain. Physical and emotional pain lowers our frustration tolerance. The reason being we have been so dedicated to attending to our survival needs, that people dont have time for love or money or anyone else. 3. Drugs / Alcohol. Drugs and alcohol affect how our brain processes information and can create a person more irritable or bring forward repressed emotions or memories that will trigger anger. 4. Recent irritations. Recent irritations will also be called which has a bad day. Is it doesnt little irritations that accumulate throughout manufactured that lower our tolerance for frustration. Recent irritations could be: stepping in the puddle, spilling coffee in your shirt, being late for work, being stuck in a very traffic jam, having a flat. Recognizing the Physiological Signs of Anger By recognizing the physiological signs of anger, we could attune ourselves to understand when it is the perfect time to take measures to ensure that our amount of anger doesnt get uncontrolled. Here are a few signs of anger: 1. Unconscious tensing of muscles, specifically in the face and neck. 2. Teeth grinding 3. Breathing rate increases dramatically 4. Face turns red and veins become visible as a result of a rise in blood pressure level 5. Face turns pale 6. Sweating 7. Feeling cold or hot 8. Shaking in the possession of 9. Goosebumps 10. Heartbeat increases 11. Adrenaline is released into your digestive system developing a rush of power. Am I Straight away to be Angry? Damn right youre. You have your personal perception and expectation around the world that you just are in and when the certainty that you simply are now living in ceases to meet your expectations, then you develop the to be angry. Afterall, if everyone thought alike, then your world has to be pretty dull location to live. Youre going to come upon situations you dont enjoy. You are likely to encounter individuals who dont respect your views and ideas. The impression of anger is completely justified in accordance with your beliefs and so dont repress or deny those feelings. Being forced to right to feel angry doesnt mean you have the legal right to snipe in anger by attacking your partner. You simply cant get a new views of others to adapt to your own personal because, like you, they have his or her to uphold their view on the planet. The good thing you should do is recognize your anger while keeping focused it on the problem as opposed to your counterpart. Tips Being angry or frustrated can be like being ingesting a drug. It prevents from rationalizing and thinking logically. Anger is caused by mix of an irrational perception of reality and a low frustration point. Anger is usually a natural response and youve every directly to be angry, but you must discover how to keep that anger in balance within a negotiation because as soon as you react in any negotiation, then you definitely lose the agreement. Anger Causes Medical problems Nowadays nobody is surprised anymore if you notice inside the news that somebody continues to be beating up simply because they were using a fight or a spat. It happens when the younger generation go out or perhaps domestic violence is usual inside news. Would you remember when Chris Brown hit his girlfriend Rihanna because he was just angry at her? It seems like more and more people are angry nowadays, or could it be just because the media puts anger the center of attention? Anger is usually a really powerful emotion. Uncontrolled anger can bring about arguments, psychical abuse, psychical fights, assaults and self-harm but it really also can leads to health conditions. Anger triggers your body to get a fight or flight response. Other emotions what trigger this response are anxiety, fear and excitement. Once your body responds that way, stress hormones like, adrenaline and cortisol floods from the body. Serotonin levels redirects bloods away from the gut on the muscles, prepare them for a movements. It prepares the body to fight or flight. My way through your system increases, hypertension, the body temperature, the skin perspires and the system is sharp and focused. The continual flood of such stress hormones along with unmanaged anger can eventually harm different systems of the body. The medical problems it may causes are: * Headache * Digestion problems, like abdominal pain * Insomnia * Increased anxiety * Depression * Blood pressure * Skin problems, including eczema * Cardiac arrest * Stroke To way of getting in charge of your anger is usually to address it and being assertive. You can do this in another way, for instance by setting clear boundaries on your own in order to bear in mind when folks push your buttons. You will need to be assertive which means that your anger will not build-up with time. Because they are assertive you will not have the anger explosions. People may think that doesnt showing your anger is a great one method to cope with it because it is not to certainly get angry. Dont repress your anger because you just dont take care of your anger. The truth is, you continue to havent addressed it and the anger is still within you. Unless you a single thing regarding it, it might often fork over depression or anxiety. Make an effort to express your anger in a very healthy way, perform relaxation exercise. Of course , if angers occur, recognize it trying to accept it a component of life. Never let your anger become the perfect health condition. *********** Humor as the Best Remedy for Combating Anger You dont need to let anger to own control over you. On this chapter, become familiar with:-  ¿Ã‚ ½ Basic life skills in order to avoid temper flares  ¿Ã‚ ½ Being angry nevertheless keeping cool  ¿Ã‚ ½ Trying to cool off when vexed  ¿Ã‚ ½ Understanding diverse means of expressing anger within a bid to get rid of it  ¿Ã‚ ½ Detailed practical steps for you to consider Basic Life Skills in order to avoid Temper Flares This therapeutic technique works best for many people and it is one of many easiest to put into practice. When one requires you to definitely fulfill an investment which can be too demanding for to bear with then it could be recommendable to present an ironic account this kind of confrontation rather than getting mad. For instance, you can make a rejoinder by asking whether or not the individual needs such absurd demands being  ¿Ã‚ ½served at a dish. ¿Ã‚ ½ Another self help technique that could aid you in conquering anger outburst by learning how you can sufficiently relax, in conjunction with accepting your situation as its while taking care to never let temperatures flare. Some conditions for likely to lead to bursts of physical outrage are if your neighbor accidentally leaves trash just beside your doorstep. Rather than attacking anyone with hands clenched it would be more reasonable to ask him/her about what ended in such actions. Become familiar with the key reason why behind certain acts instead of just having fits. When utilizing humor, you will need to seek to guy beyond negative circumstances. Try to validate what did happen as it is at reality preventing one from creating a relative much greater mistake. For example, but if your parking spot was selected by another individual it might be worthwhile to generalize this is best of all considering that the car happens to be stolen were it not to the person picking up your spot. Doing things by yourself would also help lots in trying to cool off situations that could have otherwise turned out to be very severe. For example, if the neighbor is indifferent naturally the other can opt to maintain the surroundings clean on the person ¿Ã‚ ½s behalf that has a humorous mindset, rather then complaining and not changing the matter. When an issue continues to be solved you then should be thinking about yourself as being a great hero whos capable to solve hitches which were initiated web-sites lacking quarrelling and only making matters worse than they will be. Doing something different every now and then would aid in helping you are able to feel superior and prevent stressful situations that behave as a seething pot for commencement of anger. Give relevant explanations in relation to whatever did get lucky and you. Substantiate individual ¿Ã‚ ½s behaviors or simply blackguard of whichever thing that ¿Ã‚ ½s wrong and possess having a positive mindset that nothing could eliminate your superior disposition or courage. It is just an excellent-tuned positive mind frame that will effortlessly eradicate your emotional tempest and nervousness for whichever situation. If it is appropriately practiced then one would continually be in a very joyous mood and stay capable of live a handy life making wise course of action without requiring anger bouts. Being Angry nevertheless Keeping Cool It becomes a large lie an excellent say he/she doesn ¿Ã‚ ½t get mad throughout day to day life. So long as there we were relating online websites chances are they will likely be in our nerves unintentionally. Bear in mind additionally you do exactly the same without knowing. A very important thing to complete such circumstances is remaining cool and calm and seeking as much as possible to manage anger tantrums. Simply put, youll want to learn how to control anger as opposed to allowing it to do the other.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Have a quick deep breath slowly. Immediately someone says or acts in a manner that is supposedly offensive to you the great thing to complete is getting sporadically. Youll must loose time waiting for at least just a few seconds prior to taking any step. You require for being still and sufficiently think through the situation before commencing with any plan of action. This may devote some time practice but will surely pay over time.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Clarify the matter, then try if you can , to clarify circumstances matching to an alternative individual ¿Ã‚ ½s perspective, but not your own. This would help the offended person employ a broader perspective about the issue than was at his mind.  ¿Ã‚ ½ It is advisable to check out a provoking situation from three rather than two corners of an coin. Maybe the one who wronged you didn ¿Ã‚ ½t want to implement it initially and its you who had misunderstood this individual ¿Ã‚ ½s actions. Shun the habit of smoking of repeatedly thinking just yourself like certain cases you may be the one which ¿Ã‚ ½s wrong. Many offences are pretty straight forward misunderstandings that one can get well through when time is obtained to understand the matter in-depth.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Keep a composed voice and considerable tone that wont make it clear to others that youll be angry. When an example may be angry by and large itll show using the individual ¿Ã‚ ½s tonal inclination. Afterwards yells would follow as well as the person would start saying thing that they didn ¿Ã‚ ½t mean to start with. It isnt right that you attack whatever words which come on the mouth then imagine that later he/shed apologize to the offended person and anticipate to be forgiven instantaneously.  ¿Ã‚ ½ If worse pertains to worse just emerge since it is the simplest and the majority efficient way avoiding a conflict. Marketing and advertising to vent anger by yourself in lieu of including someone else and making matters blow stream of proportion. When you find yourself far from the offender you can start working on yell the loudest, scream or perhaps talk alone to be able to vent out excess steam. As soon as you feel calm again is when its simple to consider the courage to face the offender Anger is an emotion and since everyone knows many times emotions generally make us not make rational decisions at pressing circumstances. Always try not to actively  ¿Ã‚ ½look ¿Ã‚ ½ for definite logic behind why you should be angry at the supposed offender as you will most surely obtain them as is also already in your mind. Don ¿Ã‚ ½t blow away stresses buy creating up tension with innocent those who are under no circumstances linked to the problems you might have while using the offender. This you can get struggling together likewise even when it was not your plan. Find improved ways in which you can sufficiently get rid of stress without getting yourself into the nerves of others. Understand that angry words have the capacity of ruining up relationships therefore you therefore need to be extra careful in regards to the wording w

The Importance Of Export

The Importance Of Export Export is essential part of the Trade. Among the word export is considered as export led growth hypothesis or theory or assumption for a countries development. Export led growth is very debatable issue around the word and different opinions of economists. Economists strongly beliefs that to measure economy growth is really complex which depends on various factors like trade, capital accumulation (both physical and human), price fluctuation, income distribution and political condition as well as many uncertain characteristics (Emilio 2001). From the last three decades export led growth has been issue of substantial research and empirical examination (Mahadevan 2007). The export led growth is always debated topic in the literature on Trade and development. The relationship between exports and economic growth is one of the main comprehensively investigated issues on the Development and empirical literature. There is argue on whether countries should encourage export sector to gain economic growth climaxed into which is identified as Export- Led Growth (ELG), ELG indicates that countries adopt an external direction tend to achieve superior economic performances (Galimberti 2009). There are lots of different views on like exports as an engine of growth or assume like it as only handmaiden of growth and however others proposes that there is simultaneous relationship between the two (Mohammad Karunaratne 2004). Most of studies concentrate on the relationship between exports and GDP while some of such as focus at relationship between exports and Total Factor Productivity (TFP) growth (Hatemi-J Irandoust 2001), (Hacker Hatemi-J 2003) and (Bernard Jensen 2004) , others such as examined the relationship between exports and labour productivity growth (Kunst Marin 1989), (Marin 1992) and (Thangayelu Rajaguru 2004). At wider level, the focus of the debate is on whether or not a country is better served by orienting trade policies to export promotion or import substitution(Giles Williams 2000) and Export led growth debate is focus on Is a country better processed by pointing export promotion or trade policies or to import substitution(Bhagwati 1988). The theory of neo- classical trade supports that export can contribute to economic growth of the country whereas some argument that the controversies are highly non-rational and there is not firm based from economic theory (Dani 1994), in addition countries empirical evidence such as South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand and China defends the neo-classical arguments (Mohammad Karunaratne 2004). The sensational growth operations of these countries have motivated many to illustrate trade policy as a fundamental component of economic development (Krueger 1998) (Sachs Warner 1995). Consequently, the aim of this study is to examine the export led growth using the one of the developing country. The mainly focus on a single developing country, analysing empirically between the diversification of the export and the economic growth of the country by identifying the countrys export programmes and strengths and weaknesses. Thus, the final purpose of this study is to measure the significance of exports in the developing country how export leads growth of the economy. Globalisation and Export Globalisation concerns to the developing interdependence of countries consequential from the growing international trade, finance, people and ideas in one universal open market. The main factors of this integration are International trade and cross-border investment flows. Economic globalisation is not a new remarkable development. There is not particular definition of globalisation but economists usually use the term to refer to international integration in commodity, capital and labour markets (Bordo, Michael Taylor 2003). There have been two phases of the Globalisation (BALDWIN MARTIN 1999). The first phase started proximately the mid 19th century and declined with the beginning of World War I and the second phase began in the consequences of the World War II and prolongs today. Many economist argue that it begun as early as the second half of the 19th century and decreased with the start of World War I (Taylor 2002),(Kenwood Lougheed 1999). In the both phases of Globalisation the output growth and rapid trade went together with the significant changes in the world economy. There is one precious lesson from the history that globalisation has not been horizontal process. A number of international institutions instituted in the come around of World War II World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), World Trade Organisation (WTO) established in 1995. They all have played a great role in encouraging free trade instead of protectionism. According to Mike Moore as well the past Director General of the World trade Organisation (WTO) Globalisation has joined imperialism, colonialism, capitalism and communism in becoming an all purpose tag, which can be wielded like a club in almost any ideological direction. It is the defining political economic and social phenomenon of the new millennium (Moore 2003, p. 15). There are lots of definitions given by different institutions or organisations like World Bank (Stern 2002, p. 53), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OCED 2002, p. 20), International Monitory Fund (IMF) (Krueger 2002) and in simple terms globalisation define as international trade and diversification of business one country to another country in terms of human power, commodities or services. According to OCEDs 2006 report one of the important features of the globalisation is reducing the barriers of trades and Foreign Direct Investment is becoming essential factor in the world-wide process of industrial reforming and the growth of authentically global industries.(OECD 2006). Over the last two decades, globalisation has excellent devoted a boost to world trade, has risen one and a halftimes quicker than world output, and the variation has even been noticeable superior in current years as world trade development accelerated very sturdily (Giurgiu 2009). The scope of exports and imports as a ratio of GDP is constantly rising, reason behind that is many countries in the world are giving opportunity to do international trade. Another reason for globalisation is rapidly increase due to free trade, customs unions and other types of co-operation between countries. According to Welfens (1999) defines a examination involving export exposure and import penetration would be considered as example of globalisation and Heckscher purported that export flow are foundation on comparative advantage and economics(Tayeb 2000, p. 15). Every coin has pros and cons same as globalisation is also a debatable issue, there are some positives effects and some are negatives. So at the same time gives benefits and creates new threats to the societies, individuals and economic systems. There are uncertainties that it might aggravate the space between rich and poor, might be within the country or cross the country, making new fears to human safety in terms of financial instability, political, and cultural insecurity and environment deficiency (Martens Raza 2010). In other words, the advantageous, pioneering and dynamic aspects of globalisation are being annoyance, and accordingly some more counteract, by forces that create interference and marginalisation, such as exodus and population growth, the appearance of contagious infections, expanding inequalities in development world-wide, weather fluctuation, an immediate loss of bio-diversity and the shortage and pollution of natural resources (Rennen Martens 2003). Facts and Figure of economy According to the data of the World Trade Report of 2008, after World War II international trade come back with excellent growth which was noticeable with world commodity exports, increased by more than 8 per cent annum in actual 1950-1973 period terms over. Again there was negative impact on the trade growth subsequent reasons, impact of two oil price shocks, internal presser of inflation caused by monetary diversification and inadequate macroeconomic adjustment polices. In 1990s, trade increased because of the partly motivation by advance resolution in the information technology sector. Although in the year 2001 the small retrenchment of trade origin by the dotcom crisis, the year 2000-07 period the average extension of world commodity exports constantly rise with averaging 6 per cent . The whole average from 1950 to2007 period trade extension on averaged by 6.2 per cent which is much solid than the first phase of the globalisation from 1850 t0 1913 (World War I period). After World War II the price of dollar was increased very quickly before World War I the trade insignificant expansion of the past period is more than double as fast as in the former period (9.8 per cent versus 3.8 per cent per annum) (WTO 2008). GDP of the World (all data are in US dollars US) During the financial crises on year 2008 the estimated world GDP was 2.7% while in the year 2009 the GDP rate was (-) 0.7% estimated which is very shocking GDP due to the effect of the financial crises year 2007-2008 and in the year 2010 estimated GDP was 4.7% which is dramatically which indicates good economic growth of the world. There are top ten things which have great contribution in the export sectors 1st position is electrical machinery including computers the export rate is 14.8%, 2nd position mineral fuels including oil, coal, gas and refined products which has second highest rate 14.4%, 3rd position is nuclear reactors, boilers and parts rate is 14.2%, 4th place cars, trucks and buses 8.9%, 5th place is scientific and precision instruments 3.5%, 6th position is plastics 3.4%, 7th place is iron and steel rate 2.7%, 8th is organic chemical 2.6%, 9th place take pharmaceutical products 2.6%, last but not least diamonds, pearls and precious stones 1.9%. These are the main export sector for the world wild and for the integrated diversification in the export sector. This all data are as per world economy report 2011. Export led growth The fundamental relation between economic growth and exports has long been border and central of substantial discussion and debate among the economists, public sectors and trade professionals. On the bases of theoretical approach, there are four probable results (Chen 2007). First result is that export growth is measured to be the main causal of an economic growth in production and employment. It is called Export-led Growth (ELG) hypothesis. ELG growth is categorised in one direction consideration from export to Gross Domestic product. The second result is Growth driven Export hypothesis assumes that an increase in GDP usually direct to representing rise in exports (Bhagwati 1988). There is one direction relationship from output to export for Growth Driven Export. Third and fourth outcomes also very important cant ignorable which two-way direction relationship and neutral relationships between economic growth and exports (Grossman Helpman 1991). In the simple words export lead growth is an economic development strategy which is used by developing country to another country to get comparative advantage. Export and foreign trade play a great role to rise countrys economic growth and development. ELG model or strategy or hypothesis is mainly used for the counties like developing countries and developed countries to generate benefits on each other. According to (Jung Marshall 1985) export led growth is enhanced output, employment and consumption which directs to rise in the demand for a countrys output. There is positive bonding between the exports and economic growth its gained from the foreign markets. In other word can say that export is an engine of growth. According to (Awokuse 2008) , export can grow three ways; first, export development can be a medium for output growth directly as a part of total output. There is demand of domestic products in the foreign market which can reason for economic growth in output through enhancement in the income and employment in the sector of export. Second, export growth can also influence via different ways like large number of utilization ability, distribution of efficient resource, economies of scale development and inspiration of technological perfection because of overseas (foreign markets) competition (Helpman Krugman 1985). With the help of the economies of scale companies or firms or organisations can take advantage on non-export sector which is externally but internally it helpful to whole economy growth. Third, diversification of ex ports provides foreign exchange which is essential for output growth (Esfahani 1991). Following researchers have (Feder 1982), (Ram 1985), (Tyler 1981), (Ukpolo 1994), and (Bodman 1996) the same opinion on the export and economic growth relationship. The models of (EDWARDS 1991) propound integrating positive effects from trade to enlargement are correlated to an significantly near originated by (Lewis 1955) who argue that developing countries have more incorporated technological advantage than rest of the world which does not integrated. There are three main groups which highly interested on the export performance; first is public policy makers, second managers and third is researcher (Sousa et al. 2008) (Katsikeas, Leonidou Morgan 2000) . Public-policy-makers analyse that exporting is approach to collect foreign exchange reserves, rising employment levels, better productivity and in that way increasing wealth of the country (Czinkota 1994). Managers, it is essential because it boosts corporate development and make sure that firm should survive for long term (Samiee Walters 1990) (Terpstra Sarathy 2000). Research has also important role they identifies exporting a challenging and promising theories in international marketing (Zou Stan 1998). There are only two aspect of the export led growth the first is that export led growth can generate profit so that country can balance their finances as well as reduce the long term debts and develop material for the export. The second aspect is that export led growth which is much more debatable issue which increase the export growth which helpful to increase in the GDP of the country. According to (Thirlwal 2000, p. 6) economics theories indicates that two types of benefits from trade liberalization which has subsistence advantage. The two benefits are static gains and second dynamic gains. Static gains can be achieved by the resources reorganisation from lease productive sector to higher sector, directing to specialization. The second dynamic gains involve with international trade, enhancement of investment and quick productivity development based on the economics of scale, leaning by doing effects and the acquiring knowledge regarding overseas, specially throughout foreign direct investment. According to Palley the most of East Asian countries had a number of negative effects due to importance on export lead growth. 1st it prohibited the progress of the domestic market growth. 2nd it indicates that developing countries are race to the bottom because of the regulatory competition among themselves. 3rd it creates conflicts or problems between the developing countries and developed countries. 4th there is affiliation between exports led growth and financial volatility by developing overinvestment booms. 5th because of the importance take placed on global goods and commodity markets, this model has infuriated the long- trend decline in developing countries trade. Last but not least the most import, export led growth has resisted the reliance of developing countries on the developed world, consequently becoming helpless and decline the latters market. Palley also argue that export led growth which is used by the East Asian countries form last decades but its not any longer be st strategy (Palley 2002).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Choice and Individual Freedom in The Stranger (The Outsider) :: Camus Stranger Essays

Choice and Individual Freedom in The Stranger Camus's The Stranger is a grim profession that choice and individual freedom are integral components of human nature, and the commitment and responsibility that accompany these elements are ultimately the deciding factors of the morality of one's existence. Meursault is placed in an indifferent world, a world that embraces absurdity and persecutes reason; such is the nature of existentialist belief, that rationalization and logic are ultimately the essence of humanity, and that societal premonitions and an irrelevant status quo serve only to perpetuate a false sense of truth. Meursault's virtue, as well as his undoing, lies in his unique tendency to choose, and thereby exist, without computing objective standards or universal sentiment. His stoic, de facto existentialism is a catalyst for endless conflict between his rationalization- and logic-based existence and that of others, which focuses on an objective subscription to "the norm" ; such is evident in heated discussions with the magistrate and prison minister, who are seen as paragons of invalid logic and the quixotic, quasi-passionate pursuit of hackneyed conformity. No windmills are slain1 in this simulated existence; absurdity of a different ilk dominates the popular mentality, one which would alienate a man based on his perceived indifference towards the mundane, and try, convict, and execute a man based on his lack of purported empathy towards the irrelevant. Attention to the trial sequence will reveal that the key elements of the conviction had little to do with the actual crime Meursault had committed, but rather the "unspeakable atrocities" he had committed while in mourning of his mother's death, which consisted of smoking a cigarette, drinking a cup of coffee, and failing to cry or appear sufficiently distraught. Indeed, the deformed misconception of moral truth which the jury [society] seeks is based on a detached, objective observation of right or wrong, thereby misrepresenting the ideals of justice by failing to recognize that personal freedom and choice are "...the essence of individual existence and the deciding factor of one's morality.2" The execution of Meursault at the close of the novel symbolically brings

Friday, July 19, 2019

Enders Game Essay -- Orson Scott Card

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card When the novel starts Ender Wiggin is a six-year-old genius. He has a brother, Peter, and a sister, Valentine, whom is the only person Ender truly loves. Ender is the third born in the Wiggin family, which is rare, because the limited amount of children per family is two. The government had been running a Battle School in space to train young boys and girls to become military commanders to fight against the buggers, aliens who had invaded Earth in the First and Second Invasions. Peter and Valentine had both been tried out for the Battle School, but Peter was too ruthless and Valentine was too soft towards the enemy. They both failed to go to the Battle school. But, the government wanted Ender. They wanted the death threatening genes that Peter had and the merciful and loving genes that Valentine had. They hoped that Ender would make the perfect military commander. So, The government had Ender born and they put a monitor on the back of his neck to watch his every move to see if he ha d what it took to get into Battle School. The monitor protected Ender from Peter and kids at school because if anything got out of hand the officers would stop it to help Ender. They took the monitor off. Peter and the kids at school could finally get to bully Ender without getting caught. Peter quickly took advantage of the monitor being off to bully Ender around. If it weren’t for his loving sister, Valentine, Peter would have killed Ender. The kids at school had formed at gang to jump Ender after school one day. The leader was a boy named Stilson. They were a little bigger than Ender was and they out-numbered him too. Ender knew they were gonna hurt him and keep hurting him for the rest of the school year, so Ender decided to make this the first and last fight. Ender won the fight by ruthless blows to Stilson when he was down. Afterwards Ender cried for what he had done because he didn’t like hurting people, he didn’t like being Peter. Colonel Graff came back to get Ender. It had turned out they wanted to see how Ender could handle himself without the monitor and he had done it perfectly. Colonel Graff took Ender to Battle School. Graff had isolated him from the other boys in his launch group by stating that Ender was the best of them, so Ender had no choice but to be the best in the group to make them like him. After a while, Ender m... ...ut from the queen’s perspective. He opened and closed his eyes again seeing new images of himself putting the egg into a cool place, a dark place, but with water, so she wasn’t dry so that certain reactions could take place within the egg. Ender realized the queen bugger found him through the ansible followed it and dwelt in my mind. They came to know Ender by his nightmares. Ender picked up the egg and thought to himself that he was going to take the egg from world to world looking for the right place to hatch her so she can awake in safety. Ender picked a spot far from the castle tower for the new colony and wrote a novel from the queen’s perspective stating how sorry she was and that they killed us because they couldn’t communicate and Ender signed after the novel as â€Å"Speaker for the Dead†. He sent the book to earth through the nets and the book was published quietly. After a while almost everyone on earth had read it. Ender began to grow happy on the bugger planet and decided he had lived with pain and suffering all his life he can’t be happy now so he and Valentine boarded a starship and went from planet to planet searching for the right place to hatch the queen bugger.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Just In Time Systems Essay -- essays research papers

Devising an efficient system of counting and maintaining a stock of inventory items has long been an arduous task for many business owners. The old method of cataloging by part or item number has all but disappeared since the proliferation of electronic catalogs and the use of computer software and web-based ordering/monitoring systems. Inventory management is necessary for owners who want to maintain a stocking service for quick turnaround to help ensure total customer satisfaction. An item on a managed inventory list must be maintained to avoid shortages of frequently used items. Even when utilizing an inventory management system, occasional shortages will still occur. To be successful in today's fast-paced, highly-competitive environment, business’ need to have the necessary parts in stock or have reliable suppliers to meet customer demands at a moment's notice. Either way, shops must have a practical, efficient method for managing inventory in order to stay in business an d satisfy their customers. The most efficient way to get this done is through the use of a Just-In-Time (J-I-T) system of inventory management. The service that Cardinal Health provides is an example of this type of J-I-T system which allows them to get the right quantity of goods to the right place and at the right time. Efficient inventory management is essential in order to provide the customer with a high level of service. The ability to ship inventory on schedule and get just the right amount of product where it needs to be in a timely manner is one of the major factors that helps determine customer satisfaction. Consumers do not like to wait in lines, come back later, or shop somewhere the product is often out of stock. These are the types of problems that lead to a customer walking across the street to the find a particular product somewhere else. In addition, efficient inventory management leads to a more cost-efficient operation (Reid Ch 12, 2002). The goal is to keep inventory on the shelves for the least amount of time as possible. This prevents a high percentage of capital from being tied up in inventory. Through the use of automation and computer based systems, companies are able to control their inventory based on real-time needs instead of historical projections. This helps reduce the g uess work in how much inventory to stock and when to stock it. Regardless of whether or... ... out without the hassle of long lines or confusion. This is directly related to how the inventory is managed throughout the supply chain. Just-In-Time inventory management is an attempt to create the perfect inventory system. The idea of getting the right product to the right place and at the right time is at the core of this system. Although not always perfect, the goal is to identify problems and always strive to make it better. This can only be implemented through the use of automation and technology. Cardinal Health has integrated handheld technology, wireless web, the internet, and many other cutting edge technologies to provide just this type of service. They provide inventory management that is flexible, relatively simple, and gives power to the consumer to help control inventory based on what is actually needed instead of historical models or guesswork. REFERENCES Frederick, James (2003). Upgraded distribution network grows supply chain, inventory capacity. Drug Store News, pg 15. Reid & Sanders (2002). Independent Demand Inventory Management. Operations Management, Ch 12. Reid & Sanders (2002). Just-In-Time Systems. Operations Management, Ch 7.